한약재 추출물 함유 음료가 알코올 투여 흰쥐의 알코올 대사 관련 효소에 미치는 영향

Effects of Medicinal Herbal Drink on Alcohol Metabolic Enzyme in Drunken Rats

  • 황수정 (대구한의대학교 BK21 한방신약개발연구팀) ;
  • 최혜민 (대구한의대학교 BK21 한방신약개발연구팀) ;
  • 박현진 ((재)대구TP 한방산업지원센터) ;
  • 이진상 ((재)대구TP 한방산업지원센터) ;
  • 허담 ((주)옴니허브 & (주)동우당제약) ;
  • 김미려 (대구한의대학교 BK21 한방신약개발연구팀)
  • Hwang, Su-Jung (R&D Team for the New Drug of Oriental Medicine (BK 21), Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Choi, Hye-Min (R&D Team for the New Drug of Oriental Medicine (BK 21), Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Park, Hyun-Jin (Oriental Medicine Industry Support Center) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Sang (Oriental Medicine Industry Support Center) ;
  • Heo, Dam (Omniherb Co. Ltd., and Dongwoodang Pharmacy Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Ryeo (R&D Team for the New Drug of Oriental Medicine (BK 21), Daegu Haany University)
  • 투고 : 2010.01.27
  • 심사 : 2010.07.13
  • 발행 : 2010.08.25


Alcohol is the most widely psychoactive drug and has known in almost all civilization since ancient time. Recently increase consuming alcoholic beverages, alcohol is on of the major public health problems in the world. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) play important roles in the metabolism of alcohols and aldehydes. The drink consists of medicinal herbs, Puerariae Radix, Phyllostachyos Folium, Citri Pericarpium, Polygonati Rhizoma, Rehmanniae Rhizoma (Vinegar), which have been widely used in oriental medicine. This study was designed to investigate effects of medicinal herbal drink (MHD) on alcohol metabolism in drunken SD rats subjects. In experiment, rats were treated to ethanol (EtOH, 3 g/kg, PO) at 60 min. after saline (CON) or MHD (1 ml/kg, PO) administration. The blood alcohol concentration (BAC), blood acetaldehyde concentration (BALC) activities of ADH, ALDH, AST and ALT were significantly decreased in MHD group than in control group as a time-dependent manner. And drinking water volume in MHD group with duplicate treatment, were significantly decreased than in CON group. These results suggested that MHD intake could give an influence upon the reduction in BAC and BALC may alleviate acute ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity by altering alcohol metabolic enzyme activities.



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