고대 동아시아 사리장치에 표현된 건축의장요소 관한 연구

A Study on the Architectural Decorative Expression of the East Asian Buddhist Reliquaries in the Ancient Period

  • 김상태 (한국전통문화학교 전통건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.04.30
  • 심사 : 2010.06.11
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


The Buddhist reliquaries of these 6 Reliquaries(松林寺, 感恩寺, 法門寺, 慶山寺, 唐招提寺, 法隆寺 玉蟲廚子), when compared with those of China, Japan and Korea in the same period, they worshiped the Buddhist reliquary as a Buddhist God itself and put them as a part of the architectural decoration, being installed in the construction forms. In the form and the composition of the architecture, we can see those having been designed with very detailed and brightly decorated form. The Buddhist reliquaries in the Song-Lim-Sa, Kam-Eun-Sa, Famensi, Qingshansi, Toshodaiji, and the Horyuji Tamamushi Zushi, the most important ones in this research, were in the precious tent and the inner and outer Coffins shapes having completely the altar part, interior space part, and the ceiling part, which inform us the whole structure of the architecture in details. After all these researches, we conclude that the Buddhist reliquaries in form of the Treasure-architecture represented the architectural style of the same period as a form of industrial arts and we can see that they tried to use all of their highly skilled and talented methods to describe the Buddhist Pure Land.



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