운영 중인 ERP 시스템의 활용도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 사용자 중심의 통합된 사회-기술적 관점에서

Factors Affecting the Usage of an ERP System in Operation : A Socio-technical View with User Orientation

  • 조은경 (지식경제 공무원 교육원 미래교육과) ;
  • 민대환 (고려대학교 경상대학 경영정보학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.04.18
  • 심사 : 2010.05.30
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Although many organizations have implemented and used ERP systems for years, industry reports point out that the usage level does not reach their expectation. As a result, they do not enjoy the benefits from the investment into ERP systems. This study attempts to develop a research model and test the model empirically for identifying factors that affect the usage of an ERP system at a public organization. This study has classified potential factors into three groups of technical system characteristics (usability, usefulness), organizational support characteristics (operational support, education and training, evaluation and measurement), and user characteristics (organizational citizenship, self-efficacy). Then, a structural equation model has been established on the basis of previous literature and tested with empirical data. In summary, this study has found that self-efficacy, usefulness, and operational support have an effect on the ERP usage. Self-efficacy is the strongest factor; Usefulness is the second; and the third is operational support. On the contrary to the previous literature, this study has not found a significant effect of organizational citizenship on the usage. The result confirms that an organization can increase the ERP usage by improving the usefulness of an ERP system to some extent. However, to boost the usage further, the result implies that organizations need to strengthen the self-efficacy of their members by reinforcing operational support, providing education and training steadily, and establishing an evaluation mechanism in relation with the ERP usage.



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