A Study on Establishment of Mitigation Technique of Deterioration for Environmental-friendly Dam Construction in Rural Area - A focus of the Plant Ecosystem -

농촌지역내 친환경적인 댐 조성을 위한 훼손저감기법 적용 연구 - 식물생태계를 중심으로 -

  • 이수동 (진주산업대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 강현경 ((주)기술사사무소 L.E.T 부설 에코플랜연구센터)
  • Received : 2010.05.18
  • Accepted : 2010.06.22
  • Published : 2010.06.30


Building a dam that is not considering the environmental impact and human social impact can cause the loss of entire ecospheres such as fragmentary green network, disturbance of plants ecosystem, the destruction of social and cultural indigenous resources, therefore, it can occur the environment change and distortion of ecosystem. The purpose of this study is that presenting the methods of ecosystem maintenance and ecosystem damage compensation about for environmentally direct impact i.e. the ecosystem change in the intended place for building a dam. According to the planning progress, the study was proceeded to planning site examine, assessment, conception plan. As the results of examine and assessment, it must be necessary to offered the maintenance and damage compensation if the site where include the 1st degree of biotope area, the 2nd degree of biotope and the 8th degree of green naturality area were damaged by being submerged and constructing road. In addition, according to the conception plan, we suggest the mitigation proposals such as plant communities transplant, planning of connecting green network against for influencing direct impact ecosystem that is destroying plant communities, damaging inhabitants, noise pollution, water pollution, etc.



Supported by : 농촌진흥청


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