An Fundamental Study on the Earth Wall Material Development by using of Lime Composition and Earth

석회복합체와 흙을 이용한 흙벽체 재료 개발에 관한 기초적 연구

  • Received : 2010.05.18
  • Accepted : 2010.08.31
  • Published : 2010.10.30


Lime was the solidifier mostly used at the fields of construction and civil works in the past. however, the development of Portland cement remarkably reduced the use of it. Recently as the concernment on circumstances gets higher, lime wined attention again as an eco-friendly material and was used at earth-using construction. This study examined the physical and chemical capacity of lime complexes with lime capacity improved, and performed fundamental study on the way to concretize by mixing it with earth. As a result, lime complex pressure strength was lower than cement pressure strength but it showed the possibility that its strength was improved by W/B control. The measurement of XRD after paste formation confirmed a compound generated by the reaction of Ca2+ion and Si, Al, and Fe from pozzolan reaction. A earth wall experiment by using lime complexes and earth showed that the higher, WB or the lower the quantity of unit combined materials, the lower the pressure strength was. The maximum pressure strength was maximum 11MPa when the quantity of unit combined materials was 450. It is because the composed earth particles had a high content of micro powder less than silt, so a lot of combination are demanded to secure fluidity. As a result of peptization experiment, after hardening, the material was not dissolved, which informed of the possibility of use as an outer subsidiary material. If the material is hardened by mold formation method, natural hardening crack appears. Cast expresses smart surface quality and enables to design for multiple purpose. The result shows the possibility of construction of low-story structures by using earth wall made of lime complexes and earth.



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