Change of the Moisture and Temperature in Planting Ground as Effected by Different Soil Thickness, Soil Mixture Ratios and Ground Cover Plants in the Green Roof System

옥상녹화에서 토심, 토양배합비 및 지피식물에 따른 식재지반 수분 및 온도변화

  • Received : 2010.03.24
  • Accepted : 2010.06.11
  • Published : 2010.06.30


This paper has attempted to investigate the change in soil moisture volume and temperature of architecture by planting ground(soil thickness and soil mixture ratio) and ground cover plants(Sedum sarmentosum, Zoysia japonica, Chrysanthemum zawadskii) for middle region green roof system. For this, a test was conducted on the roof of Konkuk University building from April 2009 to October 2009. In terms of treatment, five types(SL, $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$, $P_4P_4L_2$) depending on soil mixture ratio and two types(15cm, 25cm) by soil depth were created. Results of soil moisture volume by soil mixture ratio in the 15cm soil thickness showed that the difference was significance between simple soil and mixture soil treatment, however, the statistical significance was not recognized according to soil mixture ratio. In case of 25cm soil thickness, soil moisture volume by soil mixture ratio was more higher 7Vol.%~10Vol.% in the mixture soil than simple soil treatment. In terms of districts planted ground cover plants, soil volume moisture differed among plants in the order Zoysia japonica 17.74 Vol.%$34.86^{\circ}C$, district non-planted $27.49^{\circ}C$, Sedum sarmentosum $25.11^{\circ}C$, Chrysanthemum zawadskii $23.08^{\circ}C$, Zoysia japonica $24.45^{\circ}C$ respectively So, concrete surface showed more higher $5^{\circ}C{\sim}15^{\circ}C$ than other things among the all the time. Result of inner temperature of the architecture and soil, it was measured inner of architecture $25.69^{\circ}C$, inner district non-planted $24.29^{\circ}C$, Chrysanthemum zawadskii $23.90^{\circ}C$, Zoysia japonica $24.02^{\circ}C$, Sedum sarmentosum $25.13^{\circ}C$, respectively.



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