A Study on CNS/ATM and Performance Based Navigation

위성항법시스템과 성능기반항법에 대한 고찰

  • 김장환 (한국교통연구원 항공교통연구실, 한국항공대학교 항공운항학과) ;
  • 정종철 (아시아나항공, 한국항공대학교 항공운항학과) ;
  • 강자영 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Received : 2009.11.20
  • Accepted : 2010.03.19
  • Published : 2010.03.31


Air Traffic Management aims to fulfill the requirement of the aviation demander by constructing the most effective and safety aviation systems for providing safety and cost-effective service. All concerned parties of aviation present the needs of improving Air Traffic Management system for solving the issue of the current system and the air traffic capacity in the 21st century, and introduce the significant improvements from the conventional technology and method for the past 40 years. Accordingly, ICAO promotes the development of innovative procedures and technologies to solve the problems and meet the demands. It is the concept of Performance based Navigation(PBN) based on Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management(CNS/ATM). This study defines differences between RNAV and RNP RNAV as methods of air navigation based on the CNS/ATM, and needs and requirements of PBN as an emerging global standard. It also outlines basic elements supporting and implementing the PBN concept.



  1. FAA, LONG-RANGE AEROSPACE FORECASTS FISCAL YEARS 2020, 2025 and 2030, 2007. 9.
  2. ICAO Doc 9750, Global Air Navigation Plan 3rd edition, 2007
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  4. ICAO Doc 9854, Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept 1st edition, 2005.
  5. "Guidance Material for the Design of Terminal Procedures for Area Navigation(DME/DME, B-GNSS, BARO-VNAV & ENP-RNAV)", European organization for the safety of Air Navigation, Euro control, 2003.
  6. ICAO Doc 9613, Manual on Required Navigation. Performance 1st Edition, 1993.
  7. "RNAV Application in Terminal Airspace", European organization for the safety of Air Navigation, Euro control, 1999. 9.
  8. RTCA/EUROCAE Document DO-236A/ED-75A, Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation.
  9. ICAO Doc 9613, Manual of Required Navigation Performance 2nd edition, 1999.
  10. ICAO Doc 9613/AN 937, Performance Based Navigation Manual 3rd edition, 2008.