Evaluation on the Possibility for Sustainable Tourism of Cultural Heritage - Based on the Visitors' Perception of Sin-heung-sa -

문화유산의 지속가능한 관광 가능성에 대한 평가 - 신흥사 방문자의 의식을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2010.10.14
  • Accepted : 2010.12.15
  • Published : 2010.12.31


As the globalization increased, cultural heritage has been widely used as tourist destination. Traditional temples which have valuable cultural resources are important cultural heritages. It was found that most traditional temples which were used as famous tourist destinations lost their intrinsic religious values because of the intensive tourist uses. Sustainable tourism was introduced as an alternative tourism to the conventional one which could cause the destruction of the intrinsic values. Sustainable tourism represents and encompasses a set of principles balancing between visitor satisfaction, economic revitalization of the area, and the conservation of the heritage resources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility for the sustainable tourism of cultural heritage (traditional temple) by investigating visitors' satisfaction, revisit intention, and awareness on conservation. In order to perform this purpose, Sin-heung-sa was selected as a study site and 339 visitors participated in the questionnaire survey. The study results are summarized into three important findings. First, it was found that the possibility for the sustainable tourism of Sin-heung-sa was high. Vistors' awareness on conservation is high, but visiting satisfaction was medium-high. Specifically, the awareness for heritage transmission was the highest and the awareness for other conservational dimensions such as need for education, conservation for surrounding area, and respect for environmental capacity were also high. Second, visitors' overall and separate satisfactions were not high. Therefore, it was recommended that management strategies are needed to increase the visitor satisfaction because both conservation and visitor satisfaction are essential elements of successful sustainable tourism. The results revealed that visitors' satisfaction could be enhanced by improving safety of the area, providing diverse travel activities and information, and creating unique atmosphere. Third, the revisit intention was evaluated higher than the overall satisfaction, which showed that the attractiveness and competitiveness of Sin-heung-sa was relatively high. Important determinant attributes for revisit intention were analyzed to be good nature(landscape, valley, the fauna and flora) and network with surrounding tourist destinations.



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