해상가두리 적정 사육기술 제시를 위한 전복양식 현황

Status of the Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) Aquaculture for Optimal Rearing Technique in Marine Net Cage

  • 투고 : 2010.06.11
  • 심사 : 2010.08.01
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


We reviewed previous studies on well-performing aquaculture facilities, rearing environment, breeding management and feed supply to find the optimal conditions of the abalone aquaculture in marine cage. The size of marine cage varied depending on local area where the abalone farms are located. The small size cage ($2.4{\times}2.4{\times}2.5$ m) was used in Wando, Jindo and Hanam area where much of the provincial's abalone production is conducted and the middle size cage ($2.4{\times}4.8{\times}2.5$ m) was used in Huksando area. Big size group, above 2 cm in shell length, was produced from the end of October to the middle of November and small size group, below 2 cm in shell length, was produced from the end of March to the beginning of April next year in case of juvenile abalone of land production. The initial stocking density was 517-1,653 individuals/culture square meter($m^2$) in case of the big size group. The optimal rearing density was 326 and 263 individuals/culture square meter ($m^2$) after 1 year and 2 year's rearing, respectively. It is shown that relationship between individual shell length (x) and rearing density (y) is estimated to be $y=2,803.1x^{-1.4641}$ ($r^2=0.9687$). In addition, The obvious relationship was indicated between number of cage (x) and sea weed production facilities (y) as y=1.1542x+10.832 ($r^2=0.918$) in Wando, because sea mustard (Undaria pinnatifida) or japanese tangle (Laminaria japonica) was supplied as a feed for abalone culture. The general pattern of relationship between shell length (x) and shell weight (y) of cultured abalone is estimated to be $y=0.1443x^{2.9461}$ ($r^2=0.9997$).



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국립수산과학원


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