Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers' Attitude toward Foreign Groups in the Context of Multicultural Education in Korea

외국인 집단에 대한 초등 예비교사의 태도 분석

  • Received : 2010.06.17
  • Accepted : 2010.08.17
  • Published : 2010.09.30


This study presumed that pre-service elementary teachers' stereotypical attitude toward foreign groups is critical factor to be considered in the context of Korean multicultural education. 422 pre-service elementary school teachers rated repeatedly seven ethnic groups on thirteen semantic differential scales which consist of four factors; attractiveness-unattractiveness, superiority-inferiority, rationality-irrationality, and aggressiveness-compliance. A series of repeated measure MANOVAs were used to test variability in pre-service elementary school teachers' stereotypical attitude across foreign groups. They rated Japanese the most positive, but Chinese the most negative, and others more or less positive in overall attitude. Their ratings of each ethnic group also varied across four attitude factors. Japanese and Whites were classified into the most attractive and superior, and moderately rational and aggressive groups. In contrast, Chinese were rated as the most unattractive, inferior, irrational, and moderately aggressive one. Southeast Asians were rated as attractive, compliant, and inferior one. In contrast, Arabians were rated as unattractive, aggressive, and moderately superior one. Finally, North Koreans were rated moderately superior, the most aggressive and irrational one. All these findings were discussed in terms of multicultural education in Korea.



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