모유수유 중 인삼의 적응증과 용량에 관한 기존한약서 고찰

Textual Research : Indication and Dosage of Panax Ginseng during Lactation

  • 투고 : 2010.10.29
  • 심사 : 2010.11.09
  • 발행 : 2010.11.30


Purpose: To provide basic informations for guidelines of Ginseng usage during lactation. Method: Based on a regulation of scope and preparation of herbal prescriptions by Ministry of health and welfare of Korea, we selected the formulae for postpartum care and disease in 7 Korean Medical Classics. And we searched the number of formulae including Ginseng, dosage and indications of Ginseng in formulae in those books. Results: The range of Ginseng dosage during lactation from medical classics is 1.5-18.75g/day for medical purposes. Indications of Ginseng are lethargy, excessive bleeding, asthma, fever, cold, pain, dizziness, mental disorder, spasm, digestive problem, constipation, diarrhea, urinary incontinence, edema, breast engorgement, lack of breastmilk, breast ulcer, etc. But Ginseng had not been used in the case of stroke, epistaxis, beginning of mastitis, tumor of lower abdomen. Conclusions: Ginseng should be recommended less than 1.5g/d as a nutritional supplement. If breastfeeding woman wants to take Ginseng as a medication or as a tonic, she should consult with a official specialist about proper prescription and dosage instead of risky random medication.



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