Analysis of Partial Least Square Regression on Textural Data from Back Extrusion Test for Commercial Instant Noodles

시중 즉석 조리 면의 Back Extrusion 텍스처 데이터에 대한 Partial Least Square Regression 분석

  • Kim, Su kyoung (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University) ;
  • Lee, Seung Ju (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University)
  • Received : 2009.11.18
  • Accepted : 2010.02.02
  • Published : 2010.02.28


Partial least square regression (PLSR) was executed on curve data of force-deformation from back extrusion test and sensory data for commercial instant noodles. Sensory attributes considered were hardness (A), springiness (B), roughness (C), adhesiveness to teeth (D), and thickness (E). Eight and two kinds of fried and non-fried instant noodles respectively were used in the tests. Changes in weighted regression coefficients were characterized as three stages: compaction, yielding, and extrusion. Correlation coefficients appeared in the order of E>D>A>B>C, root mean square error of prediction D>C>E>B>A, and relative ability of prediction D>C>E>B>A. Overall, 'D' was the best in the correlation and prediction. 'A' with poor prediction ability but high correlation was considered good when determining the order of magnitude.

시중 즉석 면류의 관능적 성질과 back extrusion test 데이터에 대하여 partial least square regression(PLSR)을 실시하였다. 즉석유탕면 8종과 즉석비유탕면 2종에 대한 관능적 속성으로서 경도(A), 탄성(B), 껄끄러운 정도(C), 이에 박히는 정도(D), 굵기감(E)를 검사하였고, 실험 데이터로 힘-변형 곡선 전체를 사용하였다. PLSR의 회귀계수는 힘-변형곡선의 압착단계, 항복단계, 압출단계로 크게 구분되어 각관능속성에 대한 특유의 양 또는 음의 효과를 나타냈다. PLSR의 상관계수는 E>D>A>B>C, 오차(root mean square error of prediction expressed in sensory units)는 D>C>E>B>A, 예측능(relative ability of prediction)는 D>C>E>B>A 로 나타나 종합적으로 '이에 박히는 정도'가 PLSR의 적용에 가장 우수하게 나타났다. '경도'는 예측능은 낮았지만 상관성은 높아서 시료간 순위의 결정에 합당하게 평가되었다.



Supported by : 율촌재단


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