Phonetics and Speech Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
- Volume 3 Issue 3
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- Pages.141-148
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- 2011
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- 2005-8063(pISSN)
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- 2586-5854(eISSN)
Characteristics of speech intelligibility and speech acceptability connected with mouth opening condition
구강 개방 상태에 따른 말 명료도 및 말 용인도 특성
- 송윤경 (동명대학교 보건복지교육대학 언어치료학과)
- Received : 2011.08.30
- Accepted : 2011.09.09
- Published : 2011.09.30
There are many factors that affect speech intelligibility and speech acceptability. Structural anomalies and neuromotor pathologies are known for the reasons of abnormal speech sounds. And there are minor variations related to oral mechanism. Speaking with restricted mouth opening related to therapeutic procedure or habitual speech pattern might affect the quality of speech sounds. So this study compared speech intelligibility and speech acceptability of recorded 24 words in two conditions (restricted mouth opening condition and normal mouth opening condition) by 30 normal hearing adults. The results showed that speech intelligibility and speech acceptability were significantly lower in restricted mouth opening condition. And speech acceptability was significantly lower than speech intelligibility in restricted mouth opening condition. Speech acceptability in restricted mouth opening condition was significantly lower especially in open vowel. These findings indicated that the mouth opening condition could affect vowel shape and could be an adverse effect on speech intelligibility and speech acceptability.