Watershed Selection for Diffuse Pollution Management Based on Flow Regime Alteration and Water Quality Variation Analysis

유황분석과 수질변화 평가를 통한 비점오염원 관리대상지역 선정방법 연구

  • Jung, Woohyeuk (Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Yi, Sangjin (Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Geonha (Department of Civil & Environment Eng., Hannam University) ;
  • Jeong, Sangman (Department of Civil & Environment Eng., Kongju National University)
  • Received : 2010.11.14
  • Accepted : 2011.03.15
  • Published : 2011.03.30


The goal of water quality management on stream and watershed is to focus not on discharged loads management but on a water quality management. Discharged loads management is not goal of water quality management but way for perform with total maximum daily loads management. It is necessary to estimate the relation between non-point source with stromwater runoff (NPSSR) and water quality to select a watershed where it is required to manage NPSSR for water quality improvement. To evaluate the effects of NPSSR on stream's water quality, we compare the aspects of water quality in dry and wet seasons using flow duration curve analysis based on flow rate variation data by actual surveying. In this study we attempt to quantify the variation characteristic of water quality and estimate the Inflow characteristic of pollution source with water quality and flow rate monitoring on 10 watersheds. We try to estimate water quality and flow rate by regression analysis and try again regression analysis with each high and low water quality data more than estimations. An analysis of relation between water quality and flow rate of 10 watersheds shows that the water quality of the Nonsan and the Ganggyeong streams had been polluted by NPSSR pollutants. Other eight streams were important point source more than NPSSR. It is wide variation range of $BOD_5$ also high average concentration of $BOD_5$. We have to quantify water quality variation by cv1 in wet season and cv365 in dry season with comparing the estimate of high water quality and low water quality. This method can be used to indicator for water quality variation according to flow rate.



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