The Preference on Fashion Advertisement Media by Lifestyle Group Types

라이프스타일 집단유형화에 따른 패션 광고매체 선호도

  • Kim, Seon-Sook (Department of Fashion Design & Business, Daejeon University)
  • 김선숙 (대전대학교 패션디자인.비즈니스학과)
  • Received : 2011.08.15
  • Accepted : 2011.09.24
  • Published : 2011.10.30


This study aimed to present marketing communication strategy for lifestyle groups. Consumers' preference on advertisement media/information source, advertisement appeal types, and on-line media use were examined by lifestyle groups. This study was executed by web survey and off-line survey. A total of 141 data was obtained and data were analyzed by PASW 18.0. Results were as follows: First, 4 types of lifestyle groups were made up by holistic approach; 'price oriented', 'traditional symbolic', 'positive life', and 'open mind enjoyment'. 'Positive life type' preferred every type of ads media. 'Traditional symbolic type' liked magazine and 'price oriented type' and 'open mind enjoyment type' thought off-line store display more important. For ads appeal types, 'positive life type' preferred social oriented appeal type. Every group except 'price oriented type' preferred emotional appeal type and especially 'open mind enjoyment type' liked the most emotional ads appeal type.



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