The Effects of Mobile Application Quality on Satisfaction and Intention to Pay Mobile Application

모바일 애플리케이션의 품질이 사용자 만족과 애플리케이션 지불의도에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2011.05.13
  • Accepted : 2011.06.17
  • Published : 2011.09.30


The increase in the number of smartphone users has recently been steep, which started to offer companies and individuals more opportunities to enter into a new business field. Furthermore, the smartphone applications have become one of the hottest topics inside and outside the mobile industry. Still the market is in its infancy and intention to pay of charged application of most smartphone users is relatively low. However, rate of charged application in appstore is expected to be increase steadily for some years to come. In this perspective, it is important to consider the smartphone mobile application. Research on smartphone application is still in its early stage. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find what are the effective factors on user satisfaction and intention to pay of mobile application. Based on information system success model, we proposed system quality(stability, usability, security), information quality(timeliness, accuracy, enjoyment) and service quality(reactivity, reliability, empathy) as factors to effect on user satisfaction in mobile application. The results showed that stability, usability, timeliness, accuracy, enjoyment, reactivity and empathy affected significantly user satisfaction. The relationship among satisfaction and intention to pay of mobile application was significantly supported. The implications of the findings is that firms and individual developers of mobile application should focus on customer retention through enhancing satisfaction and quality.



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