Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 30 Issue 3
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- Pages.340-352
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- 2011
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Development and Application of Tutorial for Conceptual Change on Object Recognition of Scientific Gifted in Elementary School
초등과학 영재의 물체 인식 개념 변화를 위한 튜토리얼의 개발과 적용
Lee, Ji-Won
(Korea National University of Education) ;
- Kim, Jung-Bok (Korea National University of Education)
- Received : 2011.05.12
- Accepted : 2011.07.26
- Published : 2011.08.31
The purpose of this study was to analyze effects of teaching materials for elementary science gifted conception about object recognition. Elementary science gifted have misconceptions that they can see in lightness. They can not explain how a shadow is made. This paper reports in-depth investigation on elementary science gifted's understanding of object recognition focusing on process of light. A program is developed to elementary science gifted in the subject matter. The tutorial emphasizing the process of light consists of pre-test, worksheet, and post-test. The Tutorial has 4 steps; darkness and light, light on things, light reached eyes, structure of the eyes. Each steps has 2~4 experiments. Through the tutorial, we expect their misconceptions can be changed into scientific conceptions. For the research and analysis, a questionnaire is posed to 39 elementary science gifted at M Elementary School in D Metropolitan City. The first method of product analysis makes a comparative study of pre-test, post-test score, and hake gain each test. As a result, total score of all student was raised. And hake gain of pre-test(II) is 0.6, hake gain of post-test is 0.68. It is Medium gain. Also, elementary science gifted could understand how we see through the tutorial emphasizing process of light. And their misconceptions can be changed into scientific conceptions.