Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 30 Issue 3
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- Pages.367-378
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- 2011
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
The Practice of Discourse Analysis for Evaluating and Reflecting of Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Science Classes in Terms of Information Flow
정보 흐름 관점에서 본 초등 예비교사의 과학 수업 평가와 반성을 위한 담화 분석의 실제
Lee, Jeong-A
(Seoul National University)
- Received : 2011.07.09
- Accepted : 2011.08.09
- Published : 2011.08.31
After pre-service teachers become teachers, traditional patterns of classroom discourse which they had experienced as students affect their classroom discourse implicitly. For this reason, it is needed to get a new insight for evaluating and reflecting a teacher's classroom discourse. In this study, I analyzed the information flow of science classes of pre-service elementary school teachers. The finding showed that teachers' organizational skills for students' information made advanced science classes by maintaining discourse cohesions. And the findings also showed a way how to analyze, evaluate or reflect science classroom discourse. This trial could contribute to find out the characteristics of teachers' science classroom discourse and show the directions to them how to change their classes beyond impressionable evaluations for their science classes.
- science classroom discourse;
- discourse analysis;
- information flow;
- pre-service teacher education;
- reflecting science classes;
- evaluating science classes