Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 30 Issue 4
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- Pages.468-481
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- 2011
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Analysis of Students' Interaction for Generating Inquiry Problem in Asynchronous Discussion with the Class Bulletin Board
교실 게시판을 활용한 비동시적 논의에서의 탐구 문제 생성 관련 상호작용 분석
- Jung, Ju-Hyun (Cheongju National University of Education) ;
- Kim, Sun-Ja (Cheongju National University of Education) ;
Park, Jong-Wook
(Cheongju National University of Education)
- Received : 2011.07.27
- Accepted : 2011.09.26
- Published : 2011.11.30
This research is to observe and analyze the student interactions when inquiry problems were generated along with the students by using asynchronous discussion methods with the class bulletin board. For this research, 10 students from a single class of 6th grade were selected. The subject students were divided into 2 groups by cognitive levels. After the students were submitted the 4 problem situations for 1 week each, the discussion process was analyzed. The research results are as follows. First, the analysis of the step by step interactive discussion showed that several students answered for the question from a single student while discussing first for the question and answer in a form of a question with many multiple answers without any connections with the previously asked questions. At the end of the discussion, one to two students answered to a question by taking turns and the type of discussion changed to one question - one answer type by answering to the person who spoke prior to the next. Second, the discussion took place with the students in the transitional stage speaking in time in order, to provide comments to the bottom of the linear form and students in the formal operational stage students speaking in temporal order, regardless of the number of comments in the direction of the radiation(mind map) forms. The individual comment speaking rates were similar in the two groups so the students were able to speak indiscriminately.