Reviews of Research trends on Safflower seed (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

홍화씨(잇꽃, Carthamus tinctorius L.) 연구 동향에 대한 고찰

  • Choi, Cheol-Han (Bondiol daechi oriental medical clinic) ;
  • Kim, Hyeon-Dong (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and History, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Im, E-Bin (Dept. of Oriental Medical Classics and History, College of Oriental Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 최철한 (대치본디올 한의원) ;
  • 김현동 (상지대학교 원전 의사학 교실) ;
  • 임이빈 (상지대학교 원전 의사학 교실)
  • Received : 2011.10.24
  • Accepted : 2011.11.22
  • Published : 2011.11.25


Safflower is a world-wide plant for multiple uses. flower of safflower is honghwa(紅花) which has been used for heart disease in oriental medicine. but its seed was not used in oriental medicine. after the publication of "Shinyak(神藥)" - the late 1980s, its seed(紅花子, hongwhassi) was known as good for bone fracture, osteoporosis and menopausal disorders. so many researchers studied hongwhassi and delivered lots of papers. the concern of each paper is different. this paper is a review paper. this paper studied documentary records about hongwhassi, and analyzed hongwhassi research trend. the trend consists of cultivation, ingredient analysis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, periodontal ligament and phytoestrogen. many papers lack of information about plant origin. so this paper supplements the standard form of plant origin(when sowing, where grow up, which direction, what kind etc).



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