인터넷패션쇼핑몰 유형 분류에 대한 고찰

Types of Internet Shopping Malls for Fashion Products

  • 박신영 (동아대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 박은주 (동아대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.12.16
  • 심사 : 2011.03.14
  • 발행 : 2011.04.30


Internet shopping malls for fashion products(e.g., apparel, cosmetics and accessory) may become a major player with a promising future because of its tremendous growth in e-commerce. In addition, the fashion market has been segmented by various types of shopping malls on the internet. For many types of internet shopping malls, literatures give us numerous types, such as general mall, specialty mall, open-market, mall-in-mall, department-mall, brand-mall, and a specialized category mall, etc. Although each mall specializes in different activities, a unified categorization with managerially meaningful implications has not been made. This paper aims to explore criteria of internet shopping malls based on previous research related to shopping mall types for fashion products. The results found that internet shopping malls for fashion products were classified based on physical space, openness of the mall, number of companies, method of profit, specialization of products, number of product categories, and brand products dealt with. Internet shopping mall for fashion products was classified into online malls versus online malls versus offline mall, open mall versus closed mall, single mall versus multi mall, retail-trade mall versus syndicated mall, general mall vs specialize mall, one-product category mall versus multi-product category mall, and brand mall versus non-brand mall. These findings could offer an important contribution in research and practice, and an insight into developing appropriate strategies for effective fashion shopping mall management related products.



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