갱년기 여성의 소부혈(少府穴)(HT8) 자침이 fMRI상의 뇌 활성 변화에 미치는 영향

A Study on Brain Activity Induced by Acupuncture on HT8 Point in Perimenopausal Women using fMRI

  • 전규일 (전규일한의원) ;
  • 김동일 (동국대학교 일산한방병원 여성의학과, 동국대학교 대학원 한의학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.01.28
  • 심사 : 2011.02.09
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


Objective: This study was performed to investigate the effect of acupuncture at HT8 on brain activity in perimenopausal women using fMRI. Methods: 15 healthy perimenopausal women volunteered in the study. No stimulation, sham stimulation, duration of acupuncture treatment on HT8, and rotation of acupuncture treatment on HT8 were randomly given for 6 minutes, with 20 seconds' intervals. Results: 1. In comparison with sham stimulation(Sham-B) and duration of acupucture (S1-B, S1-Sham, S2-S1), the areas of fMRI signal activation areas were just like cases including no stimulation. But the areas of vision were activated in S1-Sham. 2. In comparison with duration of acupuncture(S1-B, S1-Sham, S2-S1) and rotation of acupuncture(S2-B, S2-Sham, S2-S1), the areas of vision were activated in duration of acupuncture, and Supplementary motor area(SMA) were especially activated in rotation of acupuncture. Conclusions: After using fMRI and analysing effect of acupuncture treatment at HT8, we could confirm that fMRI signal activation areas by acupuncture treatment at HT8 were different from areas by sham stimulation. And according to acupuncture stimulation methods with duration and rotation, etc, we could confirm the specific reactions of series, and could get useful basic data for research of acupuncture from now on.



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