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- Fifty-nine percent of workers for a pharmaceutical company have hepatitis B antibody. Dong-A Ilbo on September 30, 1982.
- Hepatitis vaccination for all citizen. Kyunghyang Shinmun on December 2, 1983.
- Tests for hepatitis and syphilis added in health check-up of government officials from April. Kyunghyang Shinmun on January 6, 1984.
- Five-year plan for hepatitis elimination was totally cancelled. The Chosunilbo on December 14, 1985.
- Obligation for hepatitis test in employees of barbershop, beauty salons or bathhouses. Dong-A Ilbo on September 15, 1984.
- People with hepatitis were prohibited to work in restaurants or places of food-handle. Maeil Business Newspaper on July 1, 1985.
- Chronic hepatitis B was notified as a specified infectious disease. Dong-A Ilbo on February 24, 1987.
- Medical doctors or oriental doctors have a responsibility to report patients with hepatitis. Maeil Business Newspaper on December 3, 1986.
- Free immunization of hepatitis B vaccine for neonates. Dong-A Ilbo on December 17, 1986.
- Health Ministry announced a free hepatitis B immunization for 200,000 people. Kyunghyang Shinmun on October 12, 1987.
- Free immunization of hepatitis B vaccine. Dong-A Ilbo on December 16, 1991.
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- Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention. Hepatitis B. Available at: Accessed 30 May 2011.
- Disappearance of disadvantage for hepatitis B carrier in getting employment. The Chosunilbo on November 9, 1994.
- Induction of mass hepatitis B immunization in schoolaged people. Kyunghyang Shinmun on May 20, 1986.
- Mass immunization will be disappeared in elementary school till this new semester. The Chosunilbo on February 24, 1992.
- Seoul School Health Center. Year Book 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994. Seoul: Seoul School Health Center.
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- School Health Law. article 14, clause 2 (The enforcement of the immunization of infectious disease).
- Hepatitis vaccine launching from Health Ministry. Maeil Business Newspaper on July 13, 1982.
- Aggressive development of hepatitis vaccine. Maeil Business Newspaper on June 15, 1983.
- Hepatitis B vaccine launching. Maeil Business Newspaper on August 26, 1983.
- Hepatitis B vaccine shortage. Maeil Business Newspaper on May 12, 1984.
- Down the price of hepatitis B vaccine. Maeil Business Newspaper on December 4, 1984.
- New hepatitis B vaccine licensed. Maeil Business Newspaper on December 24, 1985.
- Ten million doses of Korea GreenCross hepatitis B vaccine have been immunized. Maeil Business Newspaper on January 9, 1987.
- Engerix, hepatitis B vaccine, was launched. Kyunghyang Shinmun on August 20, 1987.
- Pharmaceutical products are exporting to Egypt. Maeil Business Newspaper on September 23, 1992.
- The Korean Pediatric Society. Hepatitis B vaccine. In: Lee HJ, ed. Immunization Guideline. 6th ed. Seoul: The Korean Pediatric Society 2008:59-74.
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- Disease infection in hospital: go for wool and come home shorn. Dong-A Ilbo on January 29, 1979.
- Medical society's warning: needle, barbershop or beauty salons are the main culprit of hepatitis spreading. Dong-A Ilbo on October 6, 1980.
- Elimination campaign of hepatitis by Korean Medical Society. Maeil Business Newspaper on October 13. 1981.
- Recommendation of using a disposable syringe to prevent hepatitis. Kyunghyang Shinmun on December 4, 1981.
- Need to recommend an approval of disposable syringe in health insurance. Maeil Business Newspaper on April 3, 1982.
- Korean Health and Welfare Ministry: hepatitis prevention policy, the usage of a disposable razor in barbershops or beauty salons. Maeil Business Newspaper on September 1, 1982.
- Free immunization of 12,460,000 people to prevent infectious diseases on the next year. Maeil Business Newspaper on October 13, 1982.
- Many hospitals are re-using the disposable syringes. Dong-A Ilbo on February 23, 1985.
- To prevent hepatitis, obligation to use the disposable utensils in service trades or hospitals. Kyunghyang Shinmun on March 25, 1985.
- Park JH, Yoon HS. A survey of hospital infection control. Seoul J Nurs 1986;1:13-21.
- Re-use of a disposable syringe. Dong-A Ilbo on September 23, 1987.
- Medical law, article 21, The regulation on specimen management, enforcement ordinance on the use of medical instrument. 1987.
- Medical law, article 33, clause 10 & article 66. June 7, 2011.
- Expansion of medical insurance, the dependence of medical instrument import does not decrease in spite of the increase of hospital number. Dong-A Ilbo on December 18, 1980.
- KS needle made debut. Maeil Business Newspaper on May 22, 1986.
- Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Report to WPRO: achievement of hepatitis B control goal in the Republic of Korea. Seoul: Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2008:5-9.
- More urgent to infants for preventing hepatitis. Dong-A Ilbo on March 22, 1985.
- Interview: professor Hilemann, an expert of hepatitis. Dong-A Ilbo on January 18, 1985.
- Less effective and more fearful for unqualified mass hepatitis B immunization. Dong-A Ilbo on April 17, 1985.
- Beasley RP, Hwang LY, Lin CC, Stevens CE, Wang KY, Sun TS, et al. Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) efficacy in the interruption of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus carrier state. Initial report of a randomised doubleblind placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 1981;2:388-93.
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