응집제 자동혼합형 미세기포 발생장치와 무동력 부상분리조를 이용한 하수의 처리

The treatment of sewage using DAF pump system with micro bubble and non-powered flotation tank

  • 김동하 (국민대학교 건설시스템공학부) ;
  • 이수영 ((주)엔지에스티) ;
  • 정의택 (국민대학교 건설시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2011.10.15


Although DAF(Dissolved Air Flotation) has been successfully accepted for water and wastewater treatment, the fundamental characteristics of the process have not been fully investigated. Water is saturated with compressed air to dissolve the air into the water at high pressure in saturation tank. Then the water containing dissolved air is released into a floatation tank at a lower pressure, generating micro-bubbles that rise gently through the water and carry the suspended matter to the surface. This study investigated the removal of sewage using automatic mixture type DAF pump and non-powered flotation tank. Characteristics of two devices were compared and analyzed with samples. The results showed that the PAC exhibited higher performance than other coagulants. When air dosage was 2.5ml/l/min, treatment was stable in operation. In the DAF pump with a pressure of 4 atm., the average size of bubbles was 36.2${\mu}m$. Removal efficiency of SS was 80%. At this time removal efficiency of COD was about 80%, of T-N was 30% and T-P was 70% in stable operation. It was concluded that DAF pump system with micro bubble performed higher efficiencies compared to general DAF system for treating wastewater.



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