Water Quality Modeling for Intake Station by 2-dimensional Advection-Dispersion Model

2차원 이송-확산 모형을 이용한 취수장 유입 수질 예측

  • 김재동 ((주)EPS엔지니어링) ;
  • 김지훈 (K-water 연구원) ;
  • 김영도 (인제대학교 환경공학부(낙동강유역환경연구센터)) ;
  • 송창근 (서울대학교 건설환경공학부) ;
  • 서일원 (서울대학교 건설환경공학부)
  • Published : 2011.10.15


In this study, the influences of pollutant from Dae-po Stream and So-gam Stream located at the downstream of Nak-dong River on the water quality at Mul-geum water intake station were analyzed using RAMS model. Field measurements of velocity by ADCP, and water quality distribution of BOD and TP by water sampling were carried out to present the input and verification data for numerical simulations. The comparison between RAM2 and ADCP measurement, which aimed for the analysis of 2-D velocity distribution around Mul-geum water intake station showed that two results matched well along the spanwise direction. The prediction of pollutant concentration by RAM4 agreed fairly well with the measured data except for the points nearby right banks in the vicinity of tributary pollutant source. Flushing effect by the increase of mainstream discharge in Nak-dong River was analyzed to provide the damage mitigation in preparation for the accidental water pollution. With increasing mainstream discharge, high velocity and increased water quantity induced increasing dilution effect, thereby decreasing the inflow pollutant concentration rapidly.



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