Purpose: Currently, soft tissue filler products based on hyaluronic acid are widely used. They are safe, effective, and convenient to use compared with bovine collagens. However, all commercially available hyaluronic acid based fillers in Korea are imported ones. The purpose of this study is to evaluate efficacy of a new hyaluronic acid filler (HyaFilia; CHA bio&Diostech Co., Seoul), which has been recently developed in Korea. Methods: Three kinds of soft tissue fillers, including Restylane (Q-Med, Uppsala, Sweden), HyaFilia (CHA bio & Diostech Co., Seoul), Juvederm (Allergan, CA, USA), were injected subdermally into the back of hairless mice at six sites. The 2 cephalic sites composed Restylane groups, the 2 middle sites HyaFilia groups, and the 2 caudal sites Juvederm groups. Six hairless mice were included in the study, therefore, a total of 12 injections per group were performed. After 16 weeks after injection, the nodular swellings that resulted from the injections were excised wide enough to include skin beyond the swelling points down to the panniculus carnosus layer using 8mm punches. Volumes and weights were measured using a stereoimage optical topometer system and a weighting machine. Histologic comparisons were also carried out. Results: The mean volumes of the Restylane, HyaFilia and Juvederm groups were $3698{\times}103$, $4820{\times}103$, and $1435{\times}103$ PI, respectively. The mean weights of the Restylane, HyaFilia and Juvederm groups were 36.08, 37.83, and 24.66 mg, respectively. Histologic examination between the 3 groups showed no significant difference in tissue compositions and inflammatory reactions. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that HyaFilia is superior to Restylane and Juvederm in longavity of filling effect. Therefore, HyaFilia may be an effective replacement for the imported materials including Restylane and Juvederm.