Purpose: Microfat graft is a common procedure for correcting tear trough deformity and dark circle. Because the tissue in this area is very thin, the grafted fat, sometimes, induces palpable lumps and uneven skin contour. When it happens, the surgical removal of the grafted fat is often needed. The authors made attempt of transconjunctival approach for removal, and this made infraorbital fat repositioning possible at the same time. Methods: 15 female patients with history of microfat graft on lower eyelid, got operation for the grafted fat removal with transconjunctival approach from April of 2009 to July of 2010. The dissection was performed in accordance with infraorbital fat repositioning surgery. Through the transconjunctival incision, knotted fat on orbital septum and orbicularis oculi muscle was removed without damage on skin. After grafted fat removal, subperiosteal space was made 1~2 mm below the inferior orbital rim by elevating periosteum. With preserving orbital septum, infraorbital fat was repositioned and anchored to subperiosteal space. Finally, transconjunctival incision was closed with absorbable suture material. Results: 14 patients in the study showed satisfactory results. The problems like uneven skin contour and knotted fat mass, were all solved. In only one patient, incomplete correction was observed, as bulging on her right lower eyelid still remained. One patient complained of transient numbness on lower eyelid, but there was no specific complication other than this. Conclusion: The authors attempted the method of transconjunctival approach to remove former grafted fat in lower eyelid and reposition infraorbital fat simultaneously. Since the study brought great results, the method would be helpful to patients and surgeons.