Purpose: Chin is located in a prominent position, and is important to balance and harmony of the face. Genioplasty is widely performed with patients' high satisfaction, yet being relatively simple procedure. Recently in analysis of dentofacial trait, three rotational variables of yaw, pith, and roll are considered with three translational variables (forward/backward, up/down, right/left). And we could correct chin deformity effectively by applying the three rotational variables with three translational variables in genioplasty. Methods: Twenty-eight patients who have chin deformity underwent osseous genioplasty. Preoperative photography, facial three dimensional computed tomography, and cephalography were taken while chin deformities were accessed. The chin deformity was classified into four categories; macrogenia, microgenia, asymmetric chin deformity, and combined chin deformity groups. According to the nature of chin deformities and the patients' desire, preoperative plans were formulated, in consideration of three rotational variables and translational variables. Through intraoral approach, anterior mandible was exposed in the subperiosteal plane between the mental foramens and beneath the mental foramens. In the anterior mandible, vertical and horizontal grid lines with 5 mm intervals were marked to confirm the spatial location of osteomized bone segment after osteotomy. Chin repositioning was done in consideration of axial rotation and planar translation. Results: Most of the patients had achieved satisfactory results with few complications. By considering the three rotational variables, it was possible to make the chin repositioning effectively. One of the patients complained about insufficient chin correction. In other case, persistent sensory impairment around chin was observed. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is worthwhile to apply preoperative analysis and operative procedures in consideration of a three rotational variables with three translational variables in genioplasty.