The Effect of Acupuncture by Needle Manipulation at SP3.HT7 on the Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Rats Induced by Two Kidney One Clip (2K1C)

태백(太白).신문(神門) 염전(捻轉) 및 영수(迎隨) 보사수기법(補瀉手技法)이 2K1C에 의하여 유발(誘發)된 신혈관성(腎血管性) 고혈압(高血壓) 백서(白鼠)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Youn, Dae-Hwan (Dept. of Meridian and Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Shin University) ;
  • Han, Jeong-Hee (Dept. of Physiology, Medical School, Institute for Medical Sciences, Chon-Buk National University) ;
  • Kim, Suhn-Hee (Dept. of Physiology, Medical School, Institute for Medical Sciences, Chon-Buk National University)
  • 윤대환 (동신대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 한정희 (전북대학교 의학과 생리학교실) ;
  • 김선희 (전북대학교 의학과 생리학교실)
  • Received : 2011.06.14
  • Accepted : 2011.06.21
  • Published : 2011.06.27


Objectives : The aim of this study was to examine the effect acupuncture by needle manipulation at acupoints, SP3 HT7, on the blood pressure and renin and atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) in plasma, cardiac hypertrophy in hypertensive rats induced by two kidney one clip (2K1C). Materials and Methods : The experiments were performed on twenty-five Sprague Dawley rats, 2K1C hypertension model was prepared by constricting the left renal artery with a sliver clip. Animals were divided into five groups, control, AC-1a and AC-2a(acupuncture at SP3 HT7 bilaterally and the needle was twirled and rotated forward with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand 6 times), AC-3a(acupuncture at SP3 HT7 bilaterally and the needle was inserted in the opposite direction(body direction) as the channel runs), AC-4a(acupuncture at SP3 HT7 bilaterally and the needle was inserted in the opposite direction(body direction) as the channel runs and the needle was twirled and rotated forward with the forefinger of the right hand 6 times). The treatments were started on the 4 week after inducing 2K1C, and they were performed two times a week for 3 weeks in rats. Results : The results are that The blood pressure was significantly decreased at 4 times in Acu-1a, The cardiac hypertrophy was significantly decrease in Acu-2a and Acu-3a. The activity of plasma renin was decreased in all groups without control and Acu-1a, and that of plasma ANP was decrease in Acu-2a and Acu-3a than control group. Conclusions : These results suggest that acupuncture on SP3 HT7 mostly cause significant changes on controlling renal hypertension induced by 2K1C in the rats.



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