A Study on the History of Mathematics Education of China


  • Received : 2011.04.07
  • Accepted : 2011.05.16
  • Published : 2011.05.31


This study starts with dividing the history of mathematics education of China into four periods; Experimentation Period(the 1st period, from 1949 to 1965), Stagnancy Period(the 2nd period, from 1966 to 1976). Adjustment Period(the 3rd period, from 1977 to 1999) and Development Period(the 4th period, since 2000 ~) Through periodical classification, several causes and characteristics in mathematics education of each period are identified. And from that, this study draws implications for Korea mathematics education.

중국의 수학교육을 실험시기(제1기, 1949년~1965년), 침체시기(제2기, 1966년~1976년), 수정시기(제3기, 1977년~1999년), 발전시기(제4기, 2000년 이후)로 구분하여 시기별 변천 과정을 고찰하고, 수학교육의 변천 원인 등 몇 가지 특정과 시사점을 도출하였다.



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