A study on re-use intention through external stimuli and infection control of dental office perceived by medical consumer

의료소비자가 인식하는 치과의원의 감염관리와 외부자극을 통한 재이용의사에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2011.07.25
  • Accepted : 2011.08.20
  • Published : 2011.08.30


Objectives : This study focused on examine the relevance between behavioral changes of customers and re-use intention on medical institution after experiencing infection control through external stimuli. Methods : This research was based on self-standing survey conducted from August to November 2010, 214 people who randomly selected from five dental clinics located in Busan were analyzed as the final group. Collected data were performed using SPSS 12.0 for Window. Results : 1. 82.8% of those surveyed who experienced external stimulation have changed their behavior on hospital environments and facilities, and 80.5% of them answered the stimuli influenced their re-use intention on medical institution. 2. There were no significant differences between participants by general characteristics on 'The reason why medical team wear sanitary appliances'. In age group 30~39, 85.4% of participants chose the answer so the difference were statistically significant(p<.001). Result by household income showed significant difference in group over $1,000 to $2,000 as 82.7% response(p<.05). 3. 94.4% of participants chose 'Required' for both surgical suits and gloves in research of 'The necessity level of personal sanitary appliances' which medical teams wear for treatment and 79.4% agreed that medical teams need to change their medical gloves whenever treating each patients. 4. The survey revealed that the most important appliance in patient's awareness were surgical gloves and protective goggles has chosen as the least important one. Conclusions : Patients as medical consumer were highly noticed of importance of the infection control in dental clinic and necessity of personal sanitary appliances. The patients who has accessed dental infection control information by external stimuli in advance showed objectival changes of their visit and behavioral changes with bringing medical environments together. This aspects influenced those patient's re-use intention in conclusion.



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