Distribution Characteristics Composition of Fishes by a Bottom Trawl in the Jointly Controlled Waters of the East China Sea

한·중 공동수역에서 저층트롤 어획물의 조성

  • Received : 2010.11.30
  • Accepted : 2011.03.31
  • Published : 2011.06.30


This study was investigated the species composition of demersal fishes by a bottom trawler GAYA, in order to be used basic data for resources management of fishery in the jointly controlled waters of the West sea. We caught 39 species, 5,532 individuals and 322.518kg in biomass. The number of species was the fewest of the jointly controlled waters of the East china sea and boundary zone between Busan and Tsushima. The first dominant species in individuals in summer was Oregonia gracilis, and in biomass was angler. But angler was the first dominant species in 7 stations of 12 stations. It was a peculiar phenomenon that cod which lives in a cold current was caught in the northern part of the West sea. In this connection it seems to be needs for oceanographic research. Catch per unit effort (kg/hr) of bottom trawl was the higher in northern part and in right line of all surveyed area respectively.



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