조직구성원의 윤리의식과 혁신성향이 조직성과에 미치는 영향 -IS0 26000 성과제고를 위한 윤리경영 지각의 조절효과를 중심으로-

The Effect of Business Ethics and Innovative Tendencies on a Organizational Performance - Focused on awareness of business ethics' moderating effect for ISO 26000' improvement of performance -

  • 투고 : 2011.01.31
  • 심사 : 2011.04.27
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


Most of the studies based on the outcome of business ethics were mainly focused on financial and non-financial results, CEO's business ethics and practical willingness as a preceding variable for business ethics and its success. This study regards business innovation on corporate sustainability and social responsibilities. There fore, this study will prove the result of activities based on business innovation and its activities, for participation of members is of importance. Therefore, this study proved the hypothesis that a worker's ethical conciousness is important in the result of business ethics, and that it also effects the result of business ethics for practice and innovative intentions for a moderating effect. This study emphasizes on ethical consciousness related to business ethics and consensus related to business ethics due to members' ethical consciousness influenced by organization's business ethics and perception. There ought to be an implication for this study. Also, as a result variable, the job satisfaction of coworkers is affected by conscious business ethics, but not affected in the innovative intentions. In addition, it is shown that the consciousness of business ethics is a controllable variable, for it affects job satisfaction concerning coworkers, but does not affect general job satisfactions.



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