A Study on the Composition and Operating Trend of Arboreta in Korea

국내수목원 조성 및 운영경향에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2011.06.30
  • Accepted : 2011.09.07
  • Published : 2011.10.30


Research and conservation of plant species for the nation arboretum, collection and securing of the plant species for both public and private arboreta and education for the arboreta which is affiliated to the university are overall management goal of the arboreta in Korea. Most of the arboreta in Korea run the programs and events for guide and interpretation of forest, but the programs and events are not well specified by the arboreta. Regarding the reasonable level of entrance fee should be discussed further as the lack of information and understanding. But the specified entrance fee between public and private arboreta should be considered. An eighty three percent of arboreta in Korea has been properly managed the species information. The reasonable management should be considered in case of unusual management of collected plant genetic resources. Although the overall impending difficulties for the management of arboreta in Korea is the lack of trained or qualified staffs, securing tasks independently for the public arboreta and relatively low salary for the private arboreta are main difficulties. Most of the difficulties are derived from the lack of its mission of the arboreta. The management of arboreta by the mission statement is one of the core targets including the characters such as climate or region should be considered. The securing qualified or trained staffs should be considered in the development of arboreta in Korea including the modification of relevant regulations or law.



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