전통한복 원형제도법에 내재된 원(圓).방(方).각(角)의 상징성

Symbolism of Circle, Square and Triangle Inherent in the Prototype Drafting Method for Traditional Hanbok

  • 정옥임 (조선대학교 가정교육과)
  • Jung, Ok-Im (Department of Home Economics, Chosun University)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.25
  • 심사 : 2011.04.08
  • 발행 : 2011.05.30


The basic framework of traditional Korean clothing construction consists of circle, square and triangle. This composition principle has been presumed to be associated with the Cheonbu concept of the Dangun era wherein nature and human being are considered united. The Cheonbu concept is represented by circle, square and triangle which constitute Cheonbuin, the images and meanings of heaven. It contains profound philosophy wherein a circle symbolizes heaven and represents number one, a square symbolizes earth and represents the number two, and a triangle symbolizes human beings and represents the number three. Circles, squares and triangles have been used as various symbolic meanings both in the east and west and constitute the framework of Hanbok construction while connoting the Cheonbu concept and symbolism of the Cosmo-tree. From this point of view, the unity of human beings and heaven in Cheonbugyeong is symbolically inherent in Hanbok. Therefore, Hanbok with the basic framework of circles, squares and triangles can be considered a positive creation that created a composition principle of body-nature-clothing.



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