농촌국제결혼가정 자녀의 청소년기 경험에 관한 연구

A Study on an Adolescent Experience of Children from International Marriage in Rural Area

  • 권해수 (조선대학교 상담심리학부)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.11
  • 심사 : 2011.03.22
  • 발행 : 2011.03.30


Study on children from international marriage so far has been conducted focusing on the school-aged children, and it uniformly presents those children as a mere being with problem, overlooking regional variables of rural area. Hence, this study aims to seek various means of adaptation of children from international marriage by considering both variables rural area and adolescence. For this study, six children from international marriage living in the rural area of H county in Jeonlanamdo were chosen, in-dept interview were conducted, and Giorgi(1985) was used to analyze qualitative data. The results shows that these adolescences appear to have extensive experiences in the areas of learning, personal relationship, home and identity. Level of academic achievement was influenced by what school they attend to, and personal relationship aspect was affected by prejudice and discriminative perception from people around them. In addition, in home environment, hatred toward father, sympathy for mother, comparison with mothers who have great cultural adaptation skills, and pressure as the firstborn appear to be on the increase. Adolescent children tend to be addicted to internet games in order to escape from anxiety, experiencing identity crisis. They tend to be negative about international marriage of their parents, and exhibit behaviors refusing values and religious view of their parents. At the conclusion, limitation of the study and suggestion for further study are presented.



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