프로그램 교육목표 개선을 위한 수행문제분석 및 추진전략 수립

Performance Problems Analysis and Establishment of Action Strategies for Program Educational Objective Improvement

  • 투고 : 2011.01.28
  • 심사 : 2011.05.04
  • 발행 : 2011.05.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze performance problems in establishing and improving program educational objectives (PEO) and to set up action strategies for the civil engineering program at the A university. To fulfill the purpose, according to the typical needs analysis model, research problems were defined, current conditions and desired conditions were identified, discrepancies and their reasons were examined, and action strategies were derived. Current conditions and desired conditions were identified by analyzing the A civil engineering program's self study report, conducting surveys and interviews with constituents. After the discrepancies and the reasons were examined, performance problems and field force analysis were conducted to draw short term and long term action strategies to improve PEO. Short term action strategies were to announce PEO to current students, to hold faculty seminars to establish and to improve PEO, to renew the list of constituents regularly, to composite an annual milestone, to define roles of the committees, and to enforce educational opportunity toward industrial advisory board members. For the long term strategies, improvement and documentation of PEO assessment system, collection and analysis of constituents' suggestions, establishment of effective accreditation support system, and arrangement of compensation system for the faculties who are in charge of engineering education accreditation responsibility.



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