제주넙치 양식산업의 경제파급 효과분석

Economic Impact Effect Analysis of Flounder Aquaculture Industry in Jeju

  • 투고 : 2010.11.12
  • 심사 : 2011.06.28
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


We have done the input-output analysis to see the over all impact of flounder industry of Jeju region on the domestic economy of Korea. To do the input-output analysis, we have constructed the data set for the input-output table by using the existing data set in the "2003 input- output table of Jeju regional area" published by the joint work of Jeju branch of Korea bank and the Jeju Development Institute, together with some raw data provided by Jejudo Marine Fish-Culture Cooperative. We have also produced input coefficient of flounder industry by making flounder industrial sector exogenous, separated from intermediate demand. To summarize our empirical results, the inducement effect of production, value added, and employment of Jeju flounder aquaculture industry are 300 billion won, 116 billion won and 1,800 people respectively. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest flounder industry of Jeju region contributes powerfully to not only Jeju economy but also all over the Korea economy.



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