스마트폰 이용동기와 활용능력이 스마트패드 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Effects of Motivations and Ability of Using Smartphone on Smartpad Usage Intention

  • 투고 : 2012.10.25
  • 심사 : 2012.12.19
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


The growing interest in smartphones has increased the number of studies conducted on technology acceptance and user satisfaction. It is now over two years since the launching of smartphones, but there are not many researches on the usage behavior of today's smartphone users. Smart devices have evolved from smartphone to smart pad and smart TV, but there are still not many studies on variables such as knowledge about the parent product and the ability to use it. With this, I decided to study how the motivation and the ability of using smartphones affected the smartphone user's intention to use smartpads. This study presents the usage behavior of smartphone users and proves that the ability to use a parent product (smartphone) affects the user's intention to use an extension product (smartpad). The research results showed that the smartphone usage ability affected both variety of use and rate of use. The convenience and passing time factors affected variety of use; and the social interaction, entertainment and passing time factors affected rate of use. As for the intention to use smartpads, the smartphone usage ability and variety of use positively affected the smartphone user's intention to use smartpads. This study showed that the more the user used a smartphone to pass time and for convenience, the more effectively the user could use various functions. It proves that the variety of use of smartphone is highly related to the acceptance of smartpads. This study also proves that usage ability is an important factor in using innovative products, such as smart devices.



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