Effect of Treadmill Gradient Training on Lower Limb Muscle Activity in Chronic Stroke Patient

만성 뇌졸중 환자의 하지 근육의 활성도에 트레드밀 경사도 훈련이 미치는 영향

  • Kim, Shin-Gyun (Dept. of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Daegu University)
  • 김신균 (대구대학교 대학원 재활과학과)
  • Received : 2011.12.02
  • Accepted : 2012.01.05
  • Published : 2012.01.31


The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of treadmill gradient training on lower limb muscle activity in chronic stroke patients. The subject were 32 stroke patients.. Subjects were randomly divided into three group which were control group($0^{\circ}$treadmill training(n=10)) and experimental group($5^{\circ}$treadmill training (n=10) and $10^{\circ}$treadmill training(n=12)). Three groups received treadmill gradient training for 30 minutes while 3 times per week for 6 weeks in addition to conventional physical therapy. Muscle strength was measured by EMG on rectus femoris, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior and gastrocnenius for muscle activities. In comparison of activity of rectus femoris and gastrocnemius between pre and post value, the activity of rectus femoris was significant in the experimental and control group(p<.05) and the activity of biceps femoris was significant in the $5^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group and $10^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group(p<.05). The activity of tibialis anterior was significant in the $5^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group and $10^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group(p<.05). In comparison of the difference of activity of rectus femoris among 3 groups, there was a significant difference between the $5^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group and control group(p<.05). and difference of activity of tibialis anterior was significant difference between the $10^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group and control group(p<.05). These findings suggest that $5^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group and $10^{\circ}$treadmill gait training group can be used to improve lower limb muscle activity in chronic stroke patient. In conclusion, these treadmill gradient training helped improving function of gait ability in chronic stroke patient.

본 논문은 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 트레드밀 경사도 훈련이 하지 근육의 활성도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한것으로 32명의 대상자를 무작위로 대조군인 $0^{\circ}$훈련군 10명과 실험군인 $5^{\circ}$훈련군 10명과 $10^{\circ}$훈련군 12명으로 나누어 실험하였다. 6주간의 훈련 후 하지 근육 중 넙다리곧은근, 넙다리두갈래근, 앞정강근, 장딴지근의 활성도 정도를 근전도를 통해 검사하였다. 연구의 결과 넙다리곧은근과 장딴지근은 각 그룹에서 각각 의미있는 변화를 보였지만 넙다리두갈래근과 앞정강근은 실험군에서만 의미있는 변화를 보였다. 또한 각 그룹간 비교에서는 넙다리곧은근이 대조군과 $5^{\circ}$훈련군 사이에서 앞정강근이 대조군과 $10^{\circ}$훈련군 사이에서 의미있는 변화를 보였다. 따라서 트레드밀 경사도 보행 훈련이 하지 근육의 활성화에 효과가 있음을 알 수 있다.



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