벽 미끄러짐 쪼그려 앉기 방법에 따른 넙다리네갈래근의 근활성도 비교

Comparison of Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Activations during Wall Slide Squats

  • 투고 : 2012.09.05
  • 심사 : 2012.10.29
  • 발행 : 2012.11.30


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was compare quadriceps femoris muscle activity while performing wall slide squats of four methods. METHODS: Forty subjects, with no history of patellofemoral pain, quadriceps injury, or other knee injury volunteered for this study. Muscle activation of the vastus medialis obliquus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis muscles were recorded while subjects performed 10 consecutive wall slide squats. Subjects performed the wall slide squats during four different methods: (1) basic wall slide squat, (2) keep back upright against fitness ball, (3) standing of unstable surface, (4) squeezing ball between both knees. Statistical analysis were accomplished by utilizing the one-way ANOVA(Bonferroni's post-hoc test) by SPSS 20.0 program. Significance level was set at p<.05. RESULTS: Muscle activations induced wall slide squats of four methods compared and results showed that there was significant difference only in vastus medialis obliquus and rectus femoris but there was no significant difference in vastus lateralis. The vastus medialis obliquus was significantly different only keep back upright against fitness ball at post-hoc test. The rectus femoris was significantly different keep back upright against fitness ball and standing of unstable surface at post-hoc test. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, we conclude that quadriceps femoris muscle activations are differenced by performing wall slide squats of four different methods in healthy subjects. These data suggest that for quadriceps muscle strengthening, exercise professionals can perform the wall slide squats by altering several task variables. Further research is needed to determine the exact mechanism by which quadriceps function is altered.



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