티셔츠 프린트에 표현된 골계미

The Comic in Print on T-shirts

  • 투고 : 2011.07.19
  • 심사 : 2012.02.05
  • 발행 : 2012.02.28


The comic study which has been developed since the Eighteen century, is a subjective sense of the aesthetic concept and the aesthetics of comic is defined as a philosophy. The comic is opposite of the sublime or a superset of humor. This study investigated the aesthetics of comic and a popular graphic-print design on T-shirts. The research are the comic perspective on the aesthetic, expressive characteristics of the print design on T-shirt. And this study investigate literature and internet sites to extract data from the case studies. The aesthetic concept of the comic as an aesthetic category is defined as this study could inquire the comic cases expressed in t-shirts and graphic-prints on the emergence of historical change were discussed. Accordingly the three distinctions characterized as the parody, the optical illusion, the and the internet neologism. In conclusion, the aesthetic value graphic-prints on T-shirts appeared in the comic representation of the graphic-design of playfulness, extraordinariness, anti-nature, reflects popular culture is identified as.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Analysis of social and cultual implication reflected in T-shirt printing vol.41, pp.None, 2012,