복합용도개발의 공모형 PF사업자 선정을 위한 평가기준 개선

Improvement of Evaluation Criteria for Developer Selection of Public-Private Partnership Project of Mixed-use Development

  • 투고 : 2012.02.20
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


Public-Private Partnership Development Project of Mixed-use Development is to implement a mixed-use development project jointly through the partnership between public organization and civilians. Specifically, developers of the public housing-sites invite public participation for excellent ideas, where the selection of a superior civilian developer is very important. However, some ordering organizations often failed to reflect clearly the daily diversifying characteristics of projects as they imitated existing directions for a contest in preparation of a contest direction. Also, there were many unreasonable criteria and methods in evaluation of land prices, project applicants as well as selection of a preferred negotiator, and an improvement in the evaluation criteria for a competent developer to implement the project to increase a realization likelihood of the project compared with the existing practice. In this study, an improved version of evaluation indices and scores is put forward based on the contest directions for civilian developers of contest-type PF projects to suggest reasonable evaluation criteria for selecting PF developers of a contest-type project.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국토해양부


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