IT중소기업의 리더십과 임파워먼트에서 MMR과 SEM 검증방법에 따른 팔로워십 조절효과분석

The moderating effects Analysis of followership according to the MMR & SEM methods to leadership and empowerment in IT SMEs

  • 이영신 (영남이공대학교 전자정보계열) ;
  • 박재성 (영남이공대학교 전자정보계열)
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


This study focuses on the influence of followership on leadership and empowerment, and to verify based on the control variables taken in IT SME's to enhance competitiveness through innovation and improvement plan that have been taken. Because there can be a lot of information to be taken, the laws of Moderated Regression Multiple analysis(MMR) were used. Amos, due to the moderating effect of Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) has been employed to re-verify the results seen with Moderated Regression Multiple analysis. The paper focuses on determining whether transformational leadership or transactional leadership is effective as shown by the levels of empowerment derived from these two types of leadership under study. As a result, both the Moderated Regression Multiple analysis and structural equation model searched information on transformational and followership for empowerment having moderating effects. In the Moderated Regression Multiple analysis, results showed that empowerment for leadership in business in the regulation of followership role appeared not to be seen. However, using the structural equation modeling, moderating effects have been found.



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