개인정보 보호를 위한 조직구성과 관리체계에 관한 표준화 모델링

The Standardization Modeling concerning Organizational Composition and a Management System for the Protection of Personal Information

  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


Since the passing of the Personal Information Act in March 2011 and its initial introduction in September, over the one year to date diverse security devices and solutions have been flowing into the market to enable observance of the relevant laws. Beginning with security consulting, corporations and institutions have focused on technology-based business in order to enable observance of those laws competitively in accordance with 6-step key procedures including proposal, materialization, introduction, construction, implementation, and execution. However there has not been any investment in human resources in the field of education such as technology education and policy education relative to the most important human resources field nor investment in professionals in the organization for the protection of personal information or in human resources for operating and managing IT infrastructure for actual entire personal information such as special sub-organizations. In this situation, as one process of attracting change from the nature of the technology-based security market toward a professional human resource-based security infrastructure market, it is necessary to conduct research into standardization modeling concerning special organizational composition and a management system for the protection of personal information.



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