한국산 가루이과 종의 추가보고 및 종 검색표 작성 (노린재목, 가루이과)

Additions to the Whitefly Fauna of Korea with a Key to Species (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

  • 서수정 (농림수산검역검사본부 영남지역본부) ;
  • Suh, Soo-Jung (Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency) ;
  • Evans, Gregory A. (United States Dept. of Agriculture, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service)
  • 투고 : 2011.12.14
  • 심사 : 2012.04.26
  • 발행 : 2012.06.01


Aleurolobus marlatti (Quaintance), Massilieurodes formosensis (Takahashi) 및 Pealius rhododendri Takahashi는 한국에서 처음으로 기록된다. 이들 종에 대한 요약된 정보 및 사진자료와 함께 한국에 발생하는 가루이과 종 검색표를 업데이트하였다.

Aleurolobus marlatti (Quaintance), Massilieurodes formosensis (Takahashi), and Pealius rhododendri Takahashi were found for the first time in Korea. This study provides a brief summary and photographs of the major characters of these species and an updated identification key to the whitefly species known to occur in Korea.



  1. Evans, G.A. 2008. The whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) of the world and their host plants and natural enemies (
  2. Gill, R.J. 1990. The morphology of whiteflies. pp. 13-46. In Whiteflies, their bionomics, pest status and management, eds. by D. Gerling. 348 pp. Intercept Ltd. UK.
  3. Martin, J.H. 1987. An identification guide to common whitefly pest species of the world (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Trop. Pest Manag. 33: 298-322.
  4. Martin, J.H. and L.A. Mound. 2007. An annotated check list of the world's whiteflies (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae. Zootaxa 1492: 1-84.
  5. Quaintance, A.L. 1903. New oriental Aleurodidae. Can. Entomol. 35: 61-64.
  6. Suh, S.J. and G.S. Hodges. 2008. Key to the Korean species of whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. 11: 123-131.
  7. Takahashi, R. 1933. Aleyrodidae of Formosa, Part II. Report. Department of Agriculture. Government Research Institute. Formosa. 60: 1-24.
  8. Takahashi, R. 1935. Notes on the Aleyrodidae of Japan (Homoptera) III (with Formosan species). Kontyu. 9: 279-283.