방생도인(仿生導引) 오금희(五禽戱)와 장부(臟腑)와의 상관성 연구

Study of Interrelationship in Five Mimic-Animal Boxing and Viscera

  • 정현우 (동신대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Jeong, Hyun-Woo (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University)
  • 투고 : 2011.11.10
  • 심사 : 2011.12.21
  • 발행 : 2012.02.25


Five mimic-animal boxing(五禽戱, FAB) is physical fitness exercises conducted by imitating the motions of tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and bird, devised by the famous doctor Hwa-Ta(華陀) in the Three Kingdoms of China. FAB is one of bionic-physical and breathing exercises(傍生導引) by combined automassage as a practice for health care. Although FAB have effects of health control and medical treatment, but interrelationship of five animals(五禽) of FAB and five viscera(五臟) of five elements(五行) is complicated. So, the present was designed to investigate the progress of FAB, movement-feature of FAB, and the interrelationship of five animals and five viscera. further I will develop value by sports-treatment medicine in oriental medicine. The results were as follows ; FAB is physical exercises of dynamic exercises and new-dynamic exercises. Feature of China-FAB have each movement by imitating the motions of each animals, movements of Formosa-FAB were mixed. In philosophical viewpoint, Five animals (tiger, deer, bear, monkey, bird) were attached to metal, wood, water, earth, fire of five elements, and lung, liver, kidney, spleen, heart of five viscera. In viewpoint of breathing exercises, Five animals (tiger, deer, bear, monkey, bird) were attached to water, wood, earth, fire, metal of five elements, and kidney, liver, spleen, heart, lung of five viscera. Although FAB have effects of health control and medical treatment, FAB have indication and contraindication. Therefore, I think that mechanism of treatment should reason with Oriental medicine doctor in FAB.



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