Satisfaction on the practical training of public institution's staffs in cyber oral health service

공공기관 근무자의 사이버 구강보건사업실무과정 교육에 대한 만족도

  • Hwang, Yoon-Sook (Department of Dental Hygiene, Hanyang Women's College) ;
  • Cho, Eun-Pyol (Department of Dental Hygiene, Hanyang Women's College)
  • 황윤숙 (한양여자대학교 치위생과) ;
  • 조은별 (한양여자대학교 치위생과)
  • Received : 2012.02.09
  • Accepted : 2012.02.20
  • Published : 2012.02.28


Objectives : This thesis aims to provide basic materials for exploring trends and operational strategy of the cyber training. To achieve study purpose, it analyzed the satisfaction of trainees in regard to the education of field training course of Cyber Oral Health Promotion Program, established and operated between 2007 and 2009. Methods : This study conducted questionnaire surveys after the completion of training to utilize the satisfaction level of 989 respondents among 1,310 employees of public institutions who completed the field training course of Cyber Oral Health Promotion Program. Results : Respondents showed satisfaction on the training course throughout three years in terms of satisfaction of instructional methods (screen characteristics, educational techniques, and so on) according to educational contents, the connection and realization of online education and service satisfaction, necessary for learning in association with educational guidance, offered to learners by a tutor and rapidity in questions and answers. A majority of respondents in all years answered that they participated in training program voluntarily for self-development and improvement in work ability, and they thought that the completion of course would be helpful to their current work and future work. In addition, cyber training program was primarily conducted in the working place by 72.5%, and the most difficult thing in cyber training was to combine work and learning by 60.6%. Conclusions : As shown in the results above, workers in public institutions were satisfied with cyber job training and it was evaluated that cyber job training would be helpful to performing their actual work. Therefore, it is needed to collect and evaluate more diverse requirements of trainees with regard to cyber job training, and the development and operation of job training program that reflects these results sufficiently is required.



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