오존에 의한 방수.방식재 표면의 품질변화에 대한 성능평가 연구

A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Anti-Corrosive Material's Surface Quality Changes by the Ozone

  • 투고 : 2012.01.05
  • 발행 : 2012.03.25


This study, the introduction of ozone-treated water inside the concrete structure for anti-corrosive material in contact with ozone, in part or in such a possibility should be considered material for corrosion resistance. By ozone degradation of anti-corrosive material Preference greatly decolorization and melting occurs, and the process that occurs in water suggesting that threats these, water safety, and domestic anti ozone material not associated with KS specifications more difficult to manage. For this reason, structures with ozone resistance must be provided, at the national level of material development, performance evaluation of test methods have been emerging as enacted an urgent task. Through these four test methods sensual, qualitative and quantitative degree of degradation caused by ozone can be measured. Measurement of color difference, as the case of Schmidt hammer and is non-destructive test methods are found that can be utilized. Based on the above-mentioned information, chrominance and find a correlation between surface degradation study is further deemed necessary. In this study, four kinds of test methods utilizing ozone-resistant materials, assessment of performance is expected to be utilized as a method.



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연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국토해양부


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