A Study on the Architectural Characteristic in Familist$\acute{e}$re of J.-B.A. GODIN

고댕의 파밀리스테르에 나타나는 건축적 특성에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.12.30
  • Published : 2012.04.25


This paper analyzes the architectural characteristics in community model called Godin's Familist$\acute{e}$re of collective housing for laborers in the 19th century. Utopian socialists in the first half of the 19th century proposed different solutions to reform their chaotic capitalist society, as they criticized the maladies of the Industrial Revolution. Fourier designed a community model called Phalanst$\acute{e}$re, in which production, consumption, and residence coexisted as a cooperative society, and his disciples tried in vain to make it real. Only Familist$\acute{e}$re, which was constructed in Guise, France from 1858 by the successful entrepreneur Godin, was considered a successful example of the idealistic residental community. However, Familist$\acute{e}$re was not simply a realization of Fourier's plans, but an original experiment by Godin Familist$\acute{e}$re had many kinds of common facilities that were useful for a convenient life, which was the equivalent of having wealth. Moreover, Familist$\acute{e}$re was a community of production, distribution, consumption, education, leisure, and residence, all of which were connected to work sites. The community also featured a cooperative society of consumption, medical services by the cooperative system, and space for schools and leisure.



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